$488.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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Empowered Creation

Take advantage of the Early Bird Price and gifts!

What you will receive:

  • Quantum Pyramid Codes Business Framework Self-Study Course - Nine modules of video lessons, transmissions, workbooks, energetic activations, templates, systems, and more! The new module is released on the 1st of the month. You have until our first call of the month to watch the main teachings and begin homework. 

  • 2 GROUP COACHING/MENTORING CALLS A MONTH (18 total) - 90 minutes long LIVE ON ZOOM (recordings provided) - Our time together is split between group coaching, mentoring, answering all questions, AND the big energetic activations that happen when we come together in a circle. Calls are on Thursdays (2nd and 4th of the month) @12pmEST/11amCST/9amPST. 

  • ADDITIONAL 3 CALLS in the Summer Months - June-August 2025 - to support you through the off-rhythm months and to keep the power of the group spiral energy going.

  • 5 brilliant guest mentors sessions with Q+A and invaluable teachings

  • Monthly Guided Partner Calls - Partner work ranging from Dyad meditations to intuitive strategy sessions. Different partner every time! Call time up to partner availability.

  • Carefully Curated Rituals + Ceremonies to reinforce and magnify your connection to the Quantum/Unseen world.

  • Virtual Half-Day Summit - At the course halfway point, FOUR hours of all things business energetics, execution, and collaboration. 

  • A guaranteed spot at our group retreat (details pending)

  • Private Group Messaging inside SIGNAL app with M-F daily support. 

  • Supportive Community Circle of Soul Nourishing Friends and Cheerleaders - circle is at the core of this work and you will feel it’s power and support carrying you through.

  • Discounted 1:1 Session Rate for Additional Support (50% off!)

  • ADDITIONAL 2 Calls in the Summer Months - July + August 2024 - connecting to the group, getting the spiral ready, getting creative juices flowing while you are in summer void.



  • $200+ OFF Total Price

  • A GIFT OF 90-minute 1:1 Private Session with Kat



Regular Price: $7,777

Early Bird Pricing: $5,555

Payment Plans Options


Program Participant Testimonials

I do not have ample words to express my deep gratitude for Kat, the women, and the divine guides of the Pyramid Codes. Kat is a rare combo - a wealth of entrepreneurial knowledge, a seemingly endless capacity to hold space for others, and a strong intuitive capability to truly see into the heart of whatever challenges we are facing. I will forever cherish this beautiful container and its incredible support in launching my business and helping me fully step into my power.


I am so grateful I said yes to this opportunity to work with Kat and the Pyramid Codes! The amount of shifts I’ve experience in my life and business, and that I’ve witnessed in the group, since beginning this journey have been too many to count. Thank you Kat for bringing these teachings through so beautifully and sharing them and your gifts so generously!
