$175.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Shift Yourself. Shift Your Relationship. What do you have to lose?

My biggest regret was to have wasted so much time living in resentment waiting for him or something to change. 
You will learn the exact tools, techniques, practices I used on my relationship and my clients to shift from seemingly LOVELESS to LOVING WITH ❤️‍🔥A HEART SET ON FIRE❤️‍🔥!
  • Are you ready to learn how to lead in your relationship from the Heart?
  • Are you ready to stop controlling the flow of love, ready to soften and allow all of Life to unfold as it wants to?
If YES, then JOIN ME and others.
Join our monthly gatherings focused on coaching, intuitive guidance, and fine-tuning what you learned in the self-paced modules.

What People Are Saying:

Thank you Kat for this profound and life-changing experience! It truly empowered me to see beyond the self-imposed veils of separation and become an embodiment of this tuning fork vibrating at the frequency of true love. Ever since starting with the class, there have been major shifts internally, but also externally. My relationship with partner, family and friends has become way more nourished opening up for deeper levels of giving and receiving love. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

I cannot believe what's happening. It's not always easy for me to hold that Light for him. But it's just incredible how in the past few days, the way we interact with each other has changed. Just yesterday, he told me about this new concept that came into his awareness. I am allowing him to take the lead. My inner Goddess is cheering so hard. Big thanks to you! It's a game-changer!