$250.00 USD

2 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Temple of the Queens

An online community for female Pyramid Temple flame keepers - sacred business owners.

Our etheric/virtual Temple space provides:

🌱 A safe space to nurture self as the sacred business temple flame keeper;

🗝 An opportunity for deeper exploration and connection to your why, authentic presence, and sovereignty;

🌟 A container for personal gift activation and expansion;

🚀 Empowerment, encouragement, and gentle motivation so you can keep going, evolving, expanding, and not quit;

📚 A business education center with monthly training on new tools, technologies, and access to guest teachers/guides;

🌐 Networking and Mastermind of feminine Soul-led business owners of the same frequency and belief systems around business for co-creation and birthing new ideas;

Energetic support and guidance from The Pyramid Codes Spirit team;

🌞 A mentor, coach, intuitive guide 100% committed to you and our journey.

What you'll get:

(1) Access to all content created for this container -- Energetic transmissions + activations, workshops + programs under The Pyramid Codes umbrella for established businesses.

(2) Monthly Coaching/ Mastermind Conversations -- Group circle calls every 3rd Wednesday of the month + library of recordings. PLUS extra Guest Expert calls and workshops.

(3) Forum community and co-creation boards -- Troubleshooting, guidance + support, networking, project co-creation, peer reviews, co-working hour, cross-promotion.

(4) Signal App Group Messenger -- Private messenger group for daily interaction.

(5) Vault of Business Materials -- Library of resources, templates, workflows, etc.

(6) Exclusive Offers + Invitations -- Retreats, Earth Keeper travel, surprises!

The fee structure is “pay what you can / what your business + life situation allows.”

This is a ONE-TIME PAYMENT LIFETIME membership. 

There are no other fees.

Whatever this grows into over the next 50 years (there is no stopping me!), you are grandfathered in at the price you choose to pay today.

This sliding scale model is adapted from Worts+Cunning Green Bottle Model.


You are choosing the $500 option (split into 2 payments)

You are struggling to get ahead in your business and life. Paying less would allow you to start saving, worry less about bills, and allow your nervous system to relax.

You can also pay with a single $500 payment. 

Other sliding scale options are:


You cannot pay the full price at the moment. Your basic needs are met, but you have very little expendable income. You can take a vacation annually without a financial burden.


You are comfortable, all of your needs are met, you have savings, and your income is stable and growing (business or other sources of income). By paying this price you are allowing for this financial flexibility to exist.